Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Preparing the development environment

Some changes done, please check this post too.

I'm used to work with Eclipse, on my eyes is the best IDE because you have an active community developing lots of plugins for almost everything, in my case I use php plugin for eclipse, and subversive plugin for sync my environment with the latest eyeOS.

Before starting cooking the meet, still some condiments we need to install. In my case I use Ubuntu Natty Narwhal, so I'm not going to get into details how to install LAMP, instead I'll give you the link that does.

Next step: Prepare the Apache server to point to the workspace on Eclipse, then I have immediate access to my development environment in eyeOS.
In the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/default change

Best practice, create a link to localhost/eyeos instead. For that create a file in /etc/apache2/conf.d/ called eyeos.conf and add the following information

Alias /eyeos /path/to/eyeos

<Directory /path/to/eyeos>
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
  AllowOverride all
  Order allow,deny
  allow from all

Then restart the apache2 service, in my case sudo service apache2 restart and try to access to your localhost (http://localhost/). You should see your folders from workspace. If not, then you need to add the uer www-data to your group like this: sudo usermod -a -G julio www-data. Where julio should be replaced by your user id.

Next step is to create a new project in Eclipse with svn, then install your EyeOS from the svn, based on one reply of the forum, there's another place to get the development kit of eyeos. When finish you'll need to be sure that the folder where you install eyeOS has writing rights for the group, if you are unsure about it, just execute the command chmod g+rw -R workspace/ from your home (I assume that you have the workspace for Eclipse in your home, otherwise look the location and fire the command.

The following step is to install eyeOS itself and be sure you have access to it. Normally the installation would go smooth, in case you experience some problems check if you have writing rights for the folder (you should, because we did it before) and the settings.php has the right information to access to your local mysql-server.

The final step, just try to reproduce the example Remotetime_app.

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